πŸš€Trias Introduction

Trias:Trustworthy and Reliable Intelligent Autonomous Systems. A β€˜-1 layer’ blockchain and decentralized cloud computing infrastructure.

Trias as a β€˜-1 layer’ protocol, aims to foster trust by reshaping the way nodes interact and trust, breaking the information gap, and using the HCGraph algorithm, nodes frequently verify each other, thus building a trust network.

Trias’s vision is to build a trustworthy and reliable general-purpose computation infrastructure, where any system and software implement only expected behaviours. With Trias, we can root trust into machines with a firm assurance that the machines will deterministically β€œdo what they are told to do”.

Trias is a Full-stack decentralized trusted cloud infrastructure and ecosystem for all-scale, general-purpose, and enterprise-ready applications. It has a fine and delicate design, a talented and solid team with top-notch academia and industrial background. Trias is a complex of enterprise products, solutions, and a sophisticated sustainable token economy, that is fueling industrial clients' innovation globally.

Trias is composed of three layers: Leviatom, Prometh and MagCarta:

  • Leviatom is an integration of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and Heterogeneous Consensus Graph, a graph computing algorithm similar to Hashgraph or DAGs. It can serve as the underlying '-1 layer' for other public chains, including Ethereum and Hyperledger.

  • Prometh is a combination of formal verification and DevSecOps methodologies to achieve traceable and verifiable general-purpose software development.

  • MagCarta is a consensus-oriented programming paradigm to achieve embed and self-defined consensus strategy for high-order enterprise DApps.

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